
Display updates with a changelog

Show your customers that you are improving your product regularly by showing them the latest updates via a public changelog.
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public changelog

See how Upfeed can help you display a public changelog to your customers

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Make it your own

Need full control over your branding? Go ahead. Create your own board pages and customize your emails to your liking.

Custom domain

Set it up on your own custom domain. Fully hosted — SEO friendly, SSL included.

Teamwork, dreamwork

Don't do it alone. Invite teammates to join you. Work together to build amazing feedback boards.

An all-in-one feedback boards

No more outdated spreadsheets or chaotic Trello boards. Give your customers a voice and gain priceless insights.
Try Upfeed now

+7 examples to display a changelog

Content related to changelog

Articles, tools and tips

Read customer reviews

Over 1,000 websites across many industries use Upfeed to collect customer feedback.
Upfeed has given us a better overall picture of what our customers are saying. That directly ties into our roadmap for product improvements and allows us to be more customer driven. This is a game changer!
user feedback testimonial male pink
Pavlen — Product Manager
Thank you for your help, the tool is amazing to gather feedback from our customers. Your support was excellent and very FAST.
female user feedback upfeed orange
Marion — CMO
Following the creation of our feedback board, we have seen a massive decrease in the number of support requests. Our users can see the public roadmap of our product and it's awesome!
user feedback testimonial male purple
Vianney — CEO
Gives us a scalable way of having direct relationships with our customers.
user feedback testimonial male green
Idriss — CEO
It's so nice and easy to use! And the team is amazing. Upfeed clearly replaces our old Trello boards.
user feedback testimonial male blue
Andrew — CMO
After playing with Upfeed for an afternoon I am seriously impressed. This is the board feedback have been waiting for. Coming to every podcast and channel creator in 3 2 1…
male user feedback upfeed green
Thomas — Product Manager
Upfeed is more modern, easier to use, and just a better overall experience, built for exactly what we want it for.
user feedback testimonial male green
Terence — Customer Support
Clearly a must-have if you work in SaaS. We have joined their Startup program and it is very advantageous if you are creating a tool to collect user feedback.
user feedback testimonial male purple
Jules — Indie hackers

Centralize feedback faster.

You're just a minute away from collecting user feedback.
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